Social Bookmarking 101

Social Bookmarking  Vizion Interactive Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today, it is not unusual to hear the term “social”  being used almost anywhere you go. The number of people and businesses engaging in various internet social communities has grown exponentially over the past several years. Hearing terms like social network, social news, and social media have now become commonplace in our everyday lives. However, one term that you may not hear as often is social bookmarking. The power of the social bookmarking method is both innovative and advantageous for businesses and consumers alike.

What is Social Bookmarking?

Social bookmarking, also referred to as social book marketing, is a way for internet users to manage, share, and store useful resources they have found online. Instead of saving sites to a local computer, social bookmarking sites allow users to save their favorite bookmarks online, giving them the ability to access them anywhere, at any time.

Social Bookmarking for Business

Social bookmarking is a great method for businesses to incorporate into their SEO strategy. Here, companies have the ability to gain live links to their site quickly. This can help increase traffic to your site in the form of visits from your target audience. When used properly, the result is more organic links, a boost in your site’s page rank, and an overall increase in site traffic. This is also a good way to see how your business is performing, from a consumer stand-point, and to see how well certain campaigns are being received by the public.

Top Social Bookmarking Sites

Here are a few of the more popular social bookmarking sites to help you get started:









Tips for Success

-Select which social bookmarking sites you want to be on and create a complete profile with all your company’s relevant links (website, blog, Twitter, Facebook, etc).

-Some social bookmarking sites have buttons and tools you can add to your website and/or blog. Decide which ones you want to utilize and install them to make sharing/bookmarking easier.

-Post fresh, interesting content to capture the eye of your target audience.

-Share other content related to your industry and use unique titles and tags so you do not come off like a spammer.

-Engage in the sites’ communities by rating content, writing reviews, and networking with other members that share similar interests.

Combining the social bookmarking method with other link building and social media marketing efforts can be the key to the success of your online marketing campaigns.